FLECS Verified Device Program
Reach machine builders to further grow your brand with FLECS.
If you want to show and distribute your devices publicly at FLECS, the FLECS Verified Device Program certainly is for you. At FLECS, machine builders find the widest selection of controllers, IPCs, edge devices and panels for their use. With a verified product, you therefore will differentiate yourself from the rest while communicating trust and security towards your customers.
The very best part is that we are constantly testing your device against the latest versions of FLECS. In short this ensures that every update runs smoothly on your device and the machine builders don’t have to worry about updates.
That is to say you will benefit from improved awareness, discoverability, compatibility and co-marketing opportunities.
Contact us today to learn more.
Key Features
Verified Devices benefit from enhanced FLECS experience. To sum it up, based on your plan*, you get:
“Verified Device” frame signaling this is a trusted and authentic device.
*Contact us for detailed pricing and feature information.
Device Levels
FLECS Verified Device
Verified Devices are devices from trusted manufacturers with whom we are doing FLECS integration together. These devices constantly pass our tests, so you can use them without worries and update them continuously.
FLECS Official Device
Official Devices are devices and systems that we make available to the community. They are an integral part of our own development and are constantly subjected to our tests. You can therefore use them without hesitation and update them at any time.
FLECS Community Device
Community devices are devices on which FLECS is either pre-installed or can be easily installed. They are carefully maintained and used productively by our partners, but are not part of our tests.