For us, an exciting year comes to an end with an absolute highlight. Computer & Automation has nominated us for the Product of the Year 2023 in the category Software & IT.
Shortly after the SPS trade fair, we got the call from the Computer & Automation editorial team that they had nominated us for Product of the Year 2023. We were still busy coping with the impressions of the SPS fair and had to pinch ourselves first. There are a total of eight first-class products nominated in the Software & IT category and we are one of them. This makes us very proud, especially after we found out the selection criteria. According to Computer & Automation, products were nominated that are smart, innovative and trend-setting. As a key technology, they have the potential for resource-efficient and sustainable production. In addition, the attention generated on social media by the reporting also played a role.
You vote
The winner will be determined via an online poll. You can vote for us until February 17, 2023. To do so, simply start the online poll and then vote for your favorite in each category. Our category “Software & IT” is the last but one – so be patient until you get to this page.
An overview of all categories and nominees can be found directly at Computer & Automation.
Start poll now!