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Release of FLECS

April 19, 2022

The time has come! Today we are happy to officially release FLECS for productive use.

Our big promise: You will never have set up an automation system as easy as with FLECS!

We have been working hard during the last weeks to incorporate the feedback of our beta customers directly into this 1st version.

If you haven’t tried FLECS yet or want to set up your automation system directly, you can now do so on numerous real and virtual platforms: Starting with the virtual machine that can be installed on any PC, Raspberry Pi and any Debian system based on ARMv8, ARM64 or AMD64, we are broadly positioned. An overview of the currently supported systems, including step-by-step installation instructions, can be found in our Marketplace.

The app portfolio already offers the possibility to configure an automation system, to store data in the long term and to display it in a visualization. We also offer several solutions depending on the application and need. An overview of the currently installable apps can also be found in the Marketplace at Available Apps.

If you are wondering whether the app is compatible with your hardware, don’t worry, FLECS will do it automatically in the background without you noticing. The system will automatically offer you all apps that are suitable for your target hardware.

Of course we are already working on the next version with new features and improvements. Check out our Slack Channel or follow us on LinkedIn. There you will find regular information and news about FLECS everywhere as well as in our blog.

If you have any ideas, suggestions, requests or just feedback, please feel free to contact us via one of the channels just mentioned or via direct message. We are looking forward to the direct exchange with you. Now all that remains is to wish you a lot of fun with FLECS Porpoise!

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