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Why are we here?

September 3, 2021

The automation of a machine or any other equipment consists only of the PLC and the PLC program. Wrong. This may once have been the case, but it has long since changed. For complete automation, countless connections, additional software and systems independent of the PLC are now used.

For this purpose, there is a lot and, above all, really good automation software on the market. From SoftPLCs to visualizations, AI/ML applications, database and cloud connections, connectors for MES and ERP systems, as well as countless other applications that help to fully automate a machine and operate it conveniently. At the same time, IoT Analytics describes in its Virtual PLC & Soft PLC Market Report 2020 – 2025 a trend away from classic PLCs towards open systems. Standard hardware based on Linux is more or less the norm here, and when it comes to higher-level control tasks, virtual machines are already widespread today and will continue to be so, according to the report.

The big question that arises is: How do you get these great software solutions and the attractive hardware together as easily as possible?

The answer: With FLECS! Our vision is to create a marketplace where all software that can be used in a control system is available. For this purpose we offer a platform that can be installed on any COTS (Commercial of the shelf) hardware, server or VM and reduces the complexity of managing a control system to a minimum. The software offerings from the Marketplace can be installed as apps on the system, updated and controlled in operation with just one click. Also for the maintenance of the system itself, FLECS offers everything that saves you the Linux terminal and editing configuration files. We will make FLECS the Android® of control systems.

And what do you get out of it? The benefit for you as a machinery or equipment manufacturer is that you save the personnel costs for at least two embedded Linux developers, who were previously needed for the maintenance of the basic system. In Germany this is about 145.000 EUR which can be saved annually. In addition, the time-to-market for new machines is shortened by one to two years, since the development of such a basic system is no longer necessary and FLECS can be used directly as a finished solution.

As you can see, we have set our sights on great things. We are absolutely convinced that with FLECS we are taking the world of automation to a new level. But we are also realistic and know the many small steps we have to take every day to get a little bit closer to this big goal. If you see yourself as an early adopter and want to join us on this journey, please contact us! We are ready – are you?

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