Dr. Thomas Holm, CTO von Salz Automation, will die Industrie mit mehr Geschwindigkeit in der Automatisierung verändern. Er ist überzeugt, die Automatisierungslandschaft muss sich zukünftig viel schneller an neue Herausforderunge und sich verändernde Rahmenbedingungen...
„Wir kommen leichter in die Anwendungen der Kunden“
Sep 28, 2022 | Partnerschaften
Thomas Hepp, Geschäftsführer von Mirasoft erklärt uns, warum sie mit FLECS arbeiten, warum er sich neue Kunden davon verspricht und warum die Lösung seine Arbeit erleichtert. Warum ist unsere FLECS so interessant für Euch als App-Hersteller? Eure Lösung ermöglicht es...
Sep 15, 2022 | Partnerschaften
We are proud to announce that we have partnered with STRATON AUTOMATION. STRATON AUTOMATION offers the straton Runtime for FLECS, an IEC-61131-3 soft PLC app. For us at FLECS, partnerships have an important meaning. They strengthen the relationship between the...
Partnership with iniNet Solutions
Sep 14, 2022 | Partnerschaften
We are proud to say that we have partnered with the company iniNet Solutions GmbH. IniNet Solutions offers with the SpiderControl SCADA Server a tool for all requirements in the HMI environment: It standardizes the HMI development and integrates all related tasks, so...
Jul 18, 2022 | Partnerschaften
The Asset Administration Shell helps us to describe devices in the industrial environment in a standardized way. This makes it easier for us to determine what devices we can interact with, what data they hold and how we can access it. Eclipse-BaSyx is an open source...
Partnership with INOSOFT
Jul 14, 2022 | Partnerschaften
We are proud to announce that we have entered into a partnership with the company INOSOFT GmbH. INOSOFT offers endless HMI possibilities with VisiWin7: All the features of a classic process visualization software are paired here with powerful programming capabilities...
Partnership with Softing
Mai 30, 2022 | Partnerschaften
For us at FLECS, partnerships have an important meaning. They strengthen the relationship between the companies involved, create awareness of each other's needs and are built to create value for both sides. We are therefore proud to say that we have partnered with...