Home / Release Notes / Copy & Paste your PLC: FLECS 2.0.0-dormouse is here!

Copy & Paste your PLC: FLECS 2.0.0-dormouse is here!

Import Export Apps on your PLC Detail view

March 9, 2023

On March 9, we have released FLECS v2.0.0-dormouse!

This new major release introduces an important new feature:

Imagine you have finished commissioning your machine. You use 4 apps, everything works, your customer is happy.
For the next order, you have to build the same machine again. So you have to install 4 apps again, project, deploy, debug and be annoyed for days because something is different from before?
You can avoid that from now on. You simply export the apps from your existing machine and import them on the new machine. We automatically transfer all app data and settings for you. Deliver machine. Switch on. Works.

For those who have a device management platform: We provide APIs for this feature. Contact us, and we’ll take your device management to the next level!

Then try it out right away!

The complete list of new features can be found here:

Update FLECS on your device by simply running:
curl -L marketplace.flecs.tech/install.sh | sudo bash

Or install the latest version of FLECS on one of our supported systems for free!

Import and export apps on your PLC
Import and export apps on your PLC

Thank you for reading our news. Do you have any questions? Then contact us at any time. We are happy to help you!

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